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Bitte beachtet, dass unser Office vom 23.12. bis einschließlich 01.01. geschlossen ist. Die Website steht euch aber weiterhin wie gehabt zur Verfügung.

Wir wünschen euch frohe Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch!

News Background Music

News music should be instantly recognizable and simple. Whether your brief is calling for news intro music or background music for news headlines, our collection features an array of tracks that are sure to meet you needs. We have compiled an extensive library of soundtracks suitable for any newscast. Browse our range of catchy jingles to introduce a more light-hearted story or choose a longer, more momentous news music for an urgent, breaking headline. Our news soundtracks set a professional tone that will make your broadcast hold the attention of your audience throughout any news footage.


Themed Playlists