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Den sensationellen Sommer des Sports 2024 wiedererleben...

... mit unserem mitreißenden Track „Beyond the Limit“ im Video des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees!

Universal Production Music + Sports = a perfect match!

Egal ob Werbung, Promo oder Live-Übertragung: Mit unserer Musik seid ihr der Konkurrenz immer einen Schritt voraus und könnt eine kuratierte Auswahl an Playlists entdecken, die für die aufregendsten Sportmomente entwickelt wurden.

Von triumphalen Tracks für Goldmedaillen-Momente bis hin zu den dramatischen Klängen eines spannenden Zieleinlaufs - findet genau die Musik, die die richtige Stimmung des Moments jedes Mal unterstreicht.

Universal Production Music - für euren euren medaillenwürdigen Soundtrack.

Positive Sports Mental Attitude
Positive Sports Mental Attitude

A positive mental attitude can drive you to success - take a listen to our most inspiring, sporty themes to get you to the top of your game!

Sport Celebration
Sport Celebration

For those moments of heart stopping elation and triumph. The winner takes all.

Sports Underscores
Sports Underscores

Underscores, beds, and backgrounds ideal for sports features and highlights.

Sport - Commiserations
Sport - Commiserations

Sometimes your best just isn't enough. These tracks are the soundtrack for those who sadly just weren't good enough this time around.

An Athlete's Journey
An Athlete's Journey

Winners. Losers. Determination. Going for glory. This playlist focuses on the athlete's journey - what ever their goal or struggle may be...

Sport Training
Sport Training

Motivation. Determination. Physical hardship. All of the olympic games build-up emotions are here in our 'training' playlist.

Sport - Soul Searching
Sport - Soul Searching

Find your inner strength with our production music Sports Soul Searching playlist.
