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Find your perfect track faster with Similarity Search

Instantly discover new music suggestions similar to your reference track using our innovative search tool powered by AI technology.

*This feature is not available in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Slovenia

Adobe Premiere Pro Extension

Easily search and import the best tracks into your project using our extension for Adobe Premiere Pro. With our full catalog at your fingertips, you can discover, audition, and download tracks from our library to seamlessly sync music with your visuals using one integrated platform.


Cue Sheet Helper

Save time by automating your music reporting. Whether you use Final Cut, Premiere Pro, or Avid, simply upload your production files to Cue Sheet Helper and get an editable cue sheet instantly. This tool will identify the music you've used from our catalogue and suggest the correct track data.


Final Cut Pro Extension

Seamlessly import and listen to the perfect music for your projects using our Final Cut Pro Extension. Gain direct access to our full music catalogue without leaving your editing suite, with features such as search, filter, playlisting, and stems.